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R. Hakan Kırkoğlu
Bail-out bill which has been modified to have a broadened support, finally is approved by the US Congress at 13:25 local time (Washington DC, EDT+4, October the 3rd, 2008) with votes of 263 for and 171 against.

Source: R. Hakan Kirkoglu, CNN International

The late degrees of Sag rising (conjunct with Pluto) would indicate that the deal has already been late and also points out the game is really over in terms of current economic conditions and damage done. We have run out all expanding, over reaching Pluto Sag and heading for a truly Capricornian period. Asc ruler Jupiter in Capricorn, is trined by Saturn in the 10th (whole sign houses) at the very middle of Virgo, a sure sign of being aware of limitations, economic regulations and necessary adjustments in the administration.  Greater benefic Jupiter in Capricorn (in his fall) in the 2nd house would also be interpreted as the serious act of protecting economic resources and interests, a legislation to protect or at least to soften the current financial crises of capitalism. Moreover, the Moon is also in the first house, in the early degrees of Sag, also covered in this legislation as the people at large, american public, but also foreigners as Sag would indicate international repercussions.

This is a day time chart, and Sun in Libra (in his detriment) ruling the 9th house of legislation process, (south node in Leo/the 9th house already hints the previous failed session) in the 11th house, (House of Congress) along with retro Mercury, MC, and Mars on the anaretic degree, seems to show the strong urge, necessary quick action and uneasiness to reach an agreement but retro Mercury (also its totally out of sect, in ex-cond condition) which is conjunct with MC clearly indicates that lots of changes, alterations and certain dissatisfaction would come out of this very first bail out attempt.

In many cases, a legislation having a retro Mercury retro, is not a good sign at all. Retro Mercury rules the 10th house and exchange rulership (ruler-exalt) with Saturn in the 10th.  It is interesting to note that, MC ruler Venus (lesser benefic) is both cadent (the 12th) and in her fall, again showing the depreciation of economic wealth with no control. Venus is at the bends of the lunar nodes.

Part of fortune in Aquarius is not well supported, too. It's in a cadent house and not aspected with its ruler Saturn. The eleventh house of the the fortune, which is Sag, again can be seen as a supporting role, as the act of this legislation. However, part of things to come (Part of Spirit) falls in Scorpio (6 39) and its ruler Mars, (lesser malefic) again can't connect with that lot.

In the lunation chart, the new moon is at 6 Libra (aspected with Neptune) in the 2nd house (Sep, 29, 2008) , Virgo asc with Saturn in the 1st house, MC at 26 Taurus (conjunct with the fixed star Algol) already shows the issues centering financial matters and economy.

In conclusion, the bailout bill chart's angles are ruled by both benefics but both in their fall and are not in cardinal places, either. The US administration, the 10th house, (Virgo Saturn), and the ruler as retro and out of sect, Mercury, seems to have a limited capacity and not well aligned with the Congress. This would be also reflective of the fact that presidential elections is already within a month time.


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