Obama's inauguration and retrograde Mercury
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R. Hakan Kirkoğlu

To my knowledge, Barack Obama’s oath took place at 12:05:50, (Jan the 20th 2009) though according to the constitution his term already began at noon. In this chart, Taurus rising (16 04 degrees), a stellia in Aquarius in the 10th house – where the public frames you in - (whole sign houses) shows the strong elements of his speech spanning from the ideals, humanitarian values, endurance and equality. It’s truly transformational. Doubtless to say, Jupiter in Aquarius (the ruler of the part of fortune as well in Pisces conjunct with Venus and Uranus in the 11th house) summarizes this amazing moment of hope. Moreover, the kite formation with Asc, Saturn, Mars completes this whole picture, reflecting that ideals versus reality (Saturn), future hopes and universal values versus economic limitations are all part of the current re-making of USA. It is well evident that, symbolically, Saturn’s opposition to exalted Venus/Uranus (an idealised image of change and reform) in Pisces stands for the economic difficulties ahead. Saturn in the 5th house, (the 5th house financial markets, stock exchanges, capital markets and also it is the 2nd house of the 4th house, which shows the depreciated values of house market, mortgages) Exalted Mars and Pluto in the 9th house would imply the tough tasks in the international affairs and diplomacy.

The Moon is at the anaretic degree, her fall in Scorpio seems to me quite realistic and fitting, as Americans has been living under stress (9/11, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, destruction of storm Catherina) which is in the final stage. Hopefully, the Moon is about to form a sextile with the Sun/Mercury and Jupiter, after just ingressing in Jupiter’s sign.

However, retrograde Mercury which soon will go back to Capricorn would indicate the urgent neccessity of tackling economic and international problems (Capricorn the 9th house) before accomplishing what he said in his speech. Furthermore, Mercury is Kazimi, in the heart of the Sun. This could reminds me that, he is the Messenger who stood on the kings throne but now have to leave in order to fix what has been forgotten or damaged in the economic and international relations and the legislations. Apart from the inauguration chart, the progressed Sun of USA has been in Pisces since George W. Bush came into Office and will have approached the middle of Pisces within next 8 years, which would reflect dissolutions and zigzags on the road.

One final point, the star Zuben Elgenubi (of Libra) stands at the angles of this chart. This star is related with the social reform and social justice resisting the temptation for personal gain or power which seems quite fitting and the true reflection of Obama’s Aquarian personality.

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