Aşağıda 2007-2008 yılları arasında yazdığım ve bir bölümünü 2008 Mayıs ayında Denver'da düzenlenen UAC'ta (United Astrology Conference) sunduğum çalışmanın metnini okuyabilirsiniz. Özellikle son günlerde yaşanan olaylar ışığında, yazının son bölümüne dikkat çekmek isterim. Bu yazı Çin'in modern tarihini de konu almaktadır. ISAR Journal'ın gelecek sayısında ayrıca yayınlanacaktır.
China’s next revolution 2012
by R. Hakan Kirkoglu
China by numbers
Population: 1,3 21 million (July 2007 est)
Population growth: (as a % of the total population) 0,606 % (2007 est)
GDP (billion dollars) 2,200 (2005), 2,600 (2006) 3,100 (2007 projection)
GDP real growth rate 10.7% (2006 est)
Labor force 798 million (2006 est)
Labor force – by occupation
Agriculture 45%
Industry 24%
Services 31% (2005 est)
High tech exports: 220 billion dollars (2005)
R&D spending 0.95% (2001) 1,34% (2005)
Percentage earning less than 1 USD per day 17,8% (2000) 9,9% (2005)
The size of army: 2,255,000 (2003)
About one-fifth of humanity lives in China, it is one of the most populous nation of the world. But until the 19th century, though in touch with the West, China followed her own path of history unaffected by Western contact. The hugeness of China in land area and population makes it all the more extraordinary that for more than a thousand years a concept of unity was maintained. Other peoples were absorbed as China expanded. In traditional China, to be considered Chinese was not a matter of race or nationality in the Western sense it depended on an acceptance of Chinese customs and culture. Those who did not accept them were considered barbarians. The essence of traditional culture of China dating from the age of Conficius in the 6th century before Christ, was to emphasise the wholeness of the universe in which the ultimate goal all of the people was to strive together to achive harmony and universal peace. The Confucian tradition is idealistic and it emphasises virtue and happiness and its focus on the individual family unit tilling its soil, and in a vast land overhelmingly peopled by peasants it thus strenghtened local economic and social responsibility. According to the ideals of Confucius tradition the millions of family units were part of a whole ruled over by an emperor and his officials.
Until the 19th century
The living traditions of Chinese culture were so strong that they absorbed the alien peoples who conquered China and so turned them into Chinese. These included Mongol Dynasty and in the mid 17th century the Manchus who ruled from then until the revolution of 1911 as the Ch’ing dynasty. The political and cultural continuity of China persisted, overcoming periods of internal rebellion and war. Integration, not disintegration was the dominant theme of more than a millennium of Chinese history until the mid-19th century.
From the later Ch’ing period in the 1840’s until the close of the civil war in 1949, China knew no peace and passed through a number of phases of disintegration which no single ruler who followed the Ch’ing dynasty after 1911. In the 19th century Manchu Ch’ing Dynasty was defeated by the West. The West saw an opportunity to trade in China and the British fought the Opium Wars between 1839-1942 and China ceded her opening territory Hong Kong and were forced to open her trade to Britain. Western powers acquired territorial settlements, colonies, rights to trade in “treaty ports”. The largest, the foreign settlements of Shangai comprised a Chinese population of more than 1 million subordinated to 35,000 Westerners.
The history of Modern China originates from the 1911 October revolution when Manchu Dynasty was overthrown by Sun Yat-sen ho was elected president of the United Provinces of China. On 1 January 1912 he was inaugurated and issued an edict proclaiming the Republic. Later we could compare this chart (no time available) with the chart Communist China. After the second world war, the Communists under Mao Zedong established a dictatorship till 1976 when he died, while ensuring China’s sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life which cost the lives of tens of millions of people.
Chart 1. China 1 October 1949, 15:15, Beijing, China, Source The Book of World Horoscopes

Interpreting the Communist China
This is a diurnal chart and the Sun, though in its detriment, is in a masculine sign which gives him hayz quality. Having this quality, makes the Sun stronger because its in his own light. Planets that in their own sect, behaves directly, naturally and acts smoothly in a unhindered way. Along with its house position, which is the Sun in the 9th house, with Mercury and Neptune, these remind us the philosophical background of China and her rich past. Taoism, great philosophy of balance and Confucianism which emphasize honesty and loyalty but also reluctant employing laws coud gice rise to corrption and nepotism which became the official state ideology in the ancient China are represented by this Libran Sun, Mercury and Neptune conjunction in the 9th house. It is crucial to note that both Confucianism and Taoism do not have a theology of a creator-deity. Fareed Zakaria points the difference between Chinese and Western worldviews. He writes that “In the 2007 Pew Survey, when asked whether one must beleive in God to be moral, a comfortable majority of Americans (57 per cent) said yes. In Japan and China, however, much larger majorities said no- In China, a whopping 72 per cent! This is a striking and unusual divergence from the norm, even in Asia. According to Joseph Needham, an eminent scholar of Confucianism is simply not a religion. Confucius was a teacher, not prophet or holy man in any sense. (the 9th house Sun, Mercury –Neptune conjunction in Libra)
Although Confucianism was not able to modernise China in the 19th century, until the 19th century, Confucian bureaucracy were intense and impressive. The task of Confucian scholar or official is to interpret in government the day-to-day means of achieving the Confucian goal of perfect harmony (dao), and hold the emperor accountable for his decisions. Yet, Confucian official has sometimes been described as the embodiment of the impractical and the other-worldly which are indeed strong indications of the 9th house. This strong intellectual understanding is also in effortless harmony with Chinese people’s needs and traditions which are shown by the Moon in Aquarius in the first house.
Aquarius Ascendant
The first house gives the image of the country, myhts of the nation and the national characteristics, along with any planet in the first house. Aquarius ascendant, doubtless to say, represents the brotherhood, spirit of community, public mindedness and communism as a dominant outlook in life. Aquarius Moon (the people, the masses) conjunct with the Asc degree can be seen in the official name the People’s republic as the Asc represents how it is appeared to the others. This sign is also related with reforms and revolutions and it is interesting to note that China has been one of countries in which many public upheavels and uprisings, dramatic demonstrations were striking examples in the world history. Sun square the Uranus emphasize this tendency much further. China’s peasants responded in the only way they could. They engaged in periodic violent and sustained protests, so that China has a history of bottom-up rebellion unsurpassed anywhere else in the world. Revolt came to be understood as a justified, almost legitimate expression of dissent and anger. It was a institiunal cleansing. Five major Chinese imperial dynasties (Qin, Han, Sui, Yuan and Ming) sucummed to these dramatic protests. Communist revolution in 1949, Cultural revolution in 1966, Tiannamen square revolt in 1989 represent us this dynamic
tendency for periodic protests.
Saturn in Virgo in the house of crises
This tense and uneasy combination is also reflected in the aversion of Virgo Saturn to the first house. As the ruler of the Asc, Saturn shows the conditions of the Chinese people and its relative power to have a say in the direction of the country. Saturn in Virgo in the 8th house, shows the hardworking peasants and workers under difficult conditions who does not have any direct influence on their own destination. The 8th house is a place of violent expression, transformations and crises. We would say that state philosophy of ancient empires which imprinted dedication, submission and a meticilous approach on the collective psyche of Chinese people have been still resonating in the modern China. Mercury which is in mutual reception with Saturn (on the same degree) and an unaspected Saturn represent this isolated pattern. Saturn in Virgo surely is a sign of workers unhealty and destructive conditions.
Mao rule and the Cultural revolution of 1966
The economic challange for the communist government in 1949 was to repair the devastation of war and to invest in industrialisation, infrastructure, education, health care and agriculture. The goal was radical egalitarianism and elimination of the economic base of class relations. The means would be collective enterprise and the mobilisation of investment through planning. That was the communist utopia. In the land reform of 1950, two fifths of China’s land was redistributed in a series of nationwide village meetings from those higher up in the hierarchy to those lower down. Mao argued that the best way to finance industrialisation was for the Government to take control of agriculture, thereby establishing a monopoly over grain distribution and supply. This would allow the State to buy at a low price and sell much higher, thus raising the capital necessary for the industrialisation of the country.
However, the first phase of collectivisation was not a great success and there was widespread famine in 1956, though the Party's propaganda machine announced progressively higher harvests. By the completion of the first 5 Year Economic Plan in 1957, Mao had come to doubt that the path to socialism that had been taken by the Soviet Union was appropriate for China.
Astrologically, this period, until 1957, ended with Neptune’s enterence to the Scorpio/10th house and Saturn had already crossed over the MC, it was in declining phase in terms houses. With the advent of Neptune’s in the 10th house, Great Leap Forward which was the name given to the second 5 year plan was put forward. It is higly imaginable that when the planet of illusion and utopia enters into domain of government and planning, (Scorpio here shows that it is strong and controlling) one cannot be sure of its concrete and succesful results.
Chart 2 Biwheel Outer: Transits August 1958, Inner natal China

The central idea behind the Great Leap was that rapid development of China's agricultural and industrial sectors should take place in parallel. The hope was to industrialize by making use of the massive supply of cheap labour and avoid having to import heavy machinery. To achieve this, Mao advocated that a further round of collectivisation modelled on the USSR's Third Period was necessary in the Chinese countryside where the existing collectives would be merged into huge People's communes.
By early 1957, Mao was so confident that the achievements of the revolution were obvious, that he deemed “a hundred flowers” should be allowed to bloom and communist civil society should begin. For five weeks in May and June, intellectuals were allowed to debate freely what had been and should be happening. But, as with Tiananmen 32 years later, there was complaints. The Party officials were critisized for corruption, low standards of living was described intolerable. Mao responded with a crackdown, 32,000 intellectuals were arrested as counter-revolutionary rightists, exiled or sent to labour camps.
Mao saw grain and steel production as the key pillars of economic development. He forecasted that within 15 years of the start of the Great Leap, China's steel production would surpass that of the UK. In the August 1958 Politburo meetings, it was decided that steel production would be set to double within the year, most of the increase coming through backyard steel furnaces. Huge efforts on the part of peasants and other workers were made to produce steel out of scrap metal. Many of the male agricultural workers were diverted from the harvest to help the iron production as were the workers at many factories, schools and even hospitals. As could have been predicted by anyone with any experience of steel production or basic knowledge of metallurgy, the output consisted of low quality lumps of pig iron which was of negligible economic worth. However, Mao's deep distrust of intellectuals and faith in the power of the mass mobilisation of peasants led him to order this massive countrywide effort without consulting expert opinion.
Substantial effort was expended during the Great Leap Forward on large-scale but often poorly planned capital construction projects, such as irrigation works often built without input from trained engineers.
The Great Leap Forward is now widely seen, both within China and outside, as a major economic disaster, effectively being a Great Leap Backward that would affect China in the years to come. As inflated statistics reached planning authorities, orders were given to divert human resources into industry rather than agriculture. The official toll of excess deaths recorded in China for the years of the GLF is 14 million, but scholars have estimated the number of famine victims to be between 20 and 43 million. The three years between 1959 and 1962 were known as the Three Bitter Years and the Three Years of Natural Disasters. Many local officials were tried and publicly executed for giving out misinformation.
Mao never abandoned his conviction that radical egalitarianism would achieve the goals of modernising China. He was more and more isolated from reality. Perhaps it would be better to understand the whole issue by comparing the charts of Mao and China.
Mao and China synastry
There are strong synastry aspects form Mao’s chart to China. Mao’s Neptune and Pluto in Gemini are in close trine to China’s Neptune and Sun. This is quite self explanatory and certainly is related with the ideals of communism. However the same planetary conjunction sits in square to natal Saturn and I guess, this highlights the obstacles and great efforts to transform China’s infrastructure and peasent culture. In the same fashion, his Saturn is in close square natal China’s Jupiter in Capricorn. Obviously this puts much effort and discipline to already uneasy Jupiter in fall in the cadent 12th house.
Chart 3 Mao chart, Source Astrodatabank

In addition to that, his Sun, e.g. his authority and leadership, is in partil opposition to China’s Uranus and this strongly augments the revolutionary side of the government as China has Uranus-Sun square natally. Furthermore, Mao’s Moon in Leo is also partilly conjunct China’s Mars. Potentially this would be accounted for combining military power with Mao’s emotional needs to be shined through Leo, like a shiny father figure. His Mars is also in conjunct with China’s MC in the 10th house, emphasize this further bringing a relentless, all powerfull elements in his governance.
Chart 4 Composite chart of Mao and China

If we look at the composite chart of the two, we would derive further information about the results of this combination. Capricorn rising is not surprise as this is a relationship of government, long term planning and strict control. Capricorn ruler Saturn is in his exaltation and in the 10 the house certainly amplify this picture, but Mars also adds much strife, riots and cruelity. Scorpio MC along with Pluto’s square to the nodal axis show how strong and transformative this relationship. I also wonder that balsamic Moon in Scorpio squared by Neptune may reflect the uneasy conditions and dissatisfied utopia of Mao’s rulership.
Between 1961 and 1965, there was a brief return to more pragmatic policies. This was Deng Xia Ping, believing that he was being only as pragmatic as Mao urged,declared that “it doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white as long as it catches mice”. But Deng was condemned due to his political standing and he lost his office and exiled. The mass violence of the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution lasted for less than 2 years from 1966, but the flat-earth political commitment to equality and class warfare continued until Mao’s death.
Cultural Revolution
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China was a struggle for power within the Communist Party of China that manifested into wide-scale social, political, and economic chaos, which grew to include large sections of Chinese society and eventually brought the entire country to the brink of civil war.
It was launched by the Communist Party of China's Chairman, Mao Zedong on May 16, 1966, officially as a campaign to rid China of its liberal bourgeoisie elements and to continue revolutionary class struggle. It is widely recognized, however, as a method to regain control of the party after the disastrous Great Leap Forward led to a significant loss of Mao's power to rivals Liu Shaoqi and Deng Xiaoping, and would eventually manifest into waves of power struggles between rival factions both nationally and locally.
Chart 5 Outer wheel 16 May 1966 Inner wheel natal China

If we study the transits during the launch of Cultural Revolution, we come across that Neptune’s conjunct with MC. Essentially, this was the culmination of efforts since the time of unsuccessful Great Leap Forward movement and it reflects the eventual results of Mao’s campaign, his insistence on ideals. It is interesting to note that south node transiting over MC as well. South node transits signify something from the past lurking and these are not fortunate times to push for the future. Uranus and Pluto which were significant in the synastry, here again seen on conjunct with Saturn. Such a major mundane conjunction in Virgo (the sign of workers and servants) is expected to be active over Saturn which signify the conditions of the peasents and Chinese people. Transiting Mars and Sun together, seems to be here as short term triggers of the event.
Chart 6 Outer wheel Sec. Progressed positions of 16 May 1966, Inner wheel natal China

In terms of secondary progressions, this was period of a waning lunar cycle and the progr. Sun was about to leave Libra in the 9th house. The whole 9th house progression was to show itself as a cultural and ideological paradigm which was actually ending, weakening. It is interesting to note that, during 1965-1966 China had been experiencing its 5th house /Gemini profection and Red Guards were the student activists who tried to accelarate the socialist reconstruction. The decision thus took the already existing student movement and elevated it to the level of a nationwide mass campaign, calling on not only students but also the masses of the workers, peasants, soldiers, revolutionary intellectuals, and revolutionary cadres to carry out the task of transforming the superstructure by writing big-character posters and holding great debates. One of the main focuses of the Cultural Revolution was the abolishment of the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas. The decision granted people the most extensive freedom of speech the People's Republic has ever seen, but this was a freedom severely determined by the Maoist ideological climate and, ultimately, by the People's Liberation Army and Mao's authority over the Army.
Arrival of Deng Xiaoping
When Mao died on Sep 9th, 1976, transiting Pluto crossing over China’s natal Sun in Libra and Uranus already entered into the 10th house. And Chiron was entering to the 4th house. Also note that, same Uranus transit over the progressed Sun in Scorpio. Deng Xiaoping, who was purged twice during the Cultural Revolution (once at the beginning; once again right before Mao died);eventually emerged as the paramount leader in 1978, and promptly launched his economic reform program. Deng became the president on March 5th 1977. During this period, we witnesses transit Jupiter at IC and progressed Moon return in Aquarius. Please note that progressed Sun partilly trining to natal Uranus.
After 1978, when Deng Xiaoping gradually began to introduce market oriented reforms and decentralized economic decision making, China has sustained a blistering rate of economic growth, an average of almost 10% a year in the last three decades which no country in history did. This is a performance more than Japan or Asian tigers achieved over the similar periods. Deng came into power on March the 5th, 1977. In this period, in the secondary progression we witness prog. Sun trine to Uranus, from the 10th house to the 6th, Sun-trine Uranus was heralding a swift change in the direction of the country and major reforms. Moreover, in the same time, it was a period of crisis in action by the waxing square which is the first quarter of the Moon, Moon was progressing in the first house, where it was located in the natal. It is interesting to note that, it was also the year of Mars progressed into the sign of Virgo, the sign of workers and manufacturing industries.
Chart 7 Outer wheel Transits of 5 March 1977 Inner wheel natal China

When Deng came into power, Jupiter transiting the bottom of the chart, just over the IC and Saturn has crossed above the horizon, where China has also the most of the planets in the natal. We may presume that, the last 30 years, a full circle of Saturn, has had coincided with Sun progression in the 10th house Scorpio, which gave consistency and stubborn efforts. Now we are about to have another Saturn return, and this time Sun progressing in Sag in the 11th house. This is a totally new picture. Globalization and unrigid, more flexible characteristics has been the major issues of the administration since the Sun has progressed in to Sag in 2002. Probably its effect has been experienced just 3 years before, starting from 1999. It is interesting to note that, natal China has a very week mutableness, only Saturn, Asc ruler, in Virgo. So we might ask what has been happening between 1999 and 2002 and we could project these new directions to the future.
Deng was a formidable opponent. As a veteran of the revolution he had considerable legitimacy, as a former army commander, regional bureau chef and general secretary of the party he had an unequally network to Access and mobilise and he had the better argument. China did not want more of the same. It did not want to follow Mao’s whatever. By that time, its neighbours Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore had established an enviable pattern of economic growth. Deng had seen peasants and state enterprises respond to incentives in the pragmatic reconstruction after the Great Leap Forward. His initial objective was clear and he wanted to get the party out of the day to day management of communes, state owned enterprises, education and culture, instead allowing managers to take responsibility, respond to incentives and raise growth and productivity. The party commited itself to modernisation, broad based economic development and the rule of the law rathet than the class struggle, further peasants collectivisation.
The centerpiece of economic development has been the ability to maintain investment at a stunning 35-40 percent of the GDP for 25 years, this was higher than that of Korea and Japan.In the international front, United States and China opened the full diplomatic relations. Washington severed its formal ties with Taiwan and to accept the United States rules fort he international game in trade, finance and investment.
Within the 20 years of presidency of Deng, progressed Sun arrived to the MC point, thus crossing over the whole fixed sign of Scorpio. Generally, the last 3 degrees of any sign, in the progressions prepares the ways of the next progressed sign in this case it is Sagittarius. When Deng died in 1997, progressed Sun was at the culmination point, at MC. We can say that Scorpio progression brought the massive transformation the countries objectives and its place in the world as Scorpio is the 10th house.
Progressed newmoon in Scorpio occured in 1999 at 27 degree of Scorpio and this degree was at sextile with Jupiter in Capricorn. The sign of administration and long term planning, industrialisation. Between 1997 and 1999, Hong Kong take over by China had been completed, and just before progression into Sag China, joined the World Trade Organization. It was a further tribute to the liberalisation initiated by Deng.
After Deng
After Deng’s farewell, Jiang Zemin became the new general secretary of the party. His objective transformed the the party’s objective from building a planned socialist commodity economy to a socialist market economy which was already agreed on in 1993 14th party Congress. 1993 was the period of progresssed last quarter of the Moon (was in Leo at that time) In 1997 a decision was made to hold on to the big but let go of the small state enterprises. Although it was interpreted as privatizion by western commentators, the management was stil beholden to the communist party.
In 2002 China joined into the World Trade Organization (WTO). In 1980, the share of trade (exports less imports) in China’s GDP was 15 per cent, in 2005 it exceeded 70 per cent. As China grown, it has come to matter much more to the rest of the world. For the first time of in history, it is now contributing more to global GDP growth than the United States.
Another point is to be considered that, Hu Jintao became president in 2002 and Mr. Wen became prime minister the following year, then the two men have shiftted official rhetoric and policy to the left and have boosted central-government support for the poor and marginalised. In a speech of Mr. Wen, he pointed out “social justice”, a term which is dear to the left.
These two crucial elements could be seen as the progression of 11th house Sag in the natal China. The sign of Sag means of new avenues open to social change in the eleventh house. This is the house of hopes and future and Sag is one of the signs who demonstrates the ability and enthusiasm for future and happy end. Potentially the 11th house, as the natural place of Aquarius, is expected tending more to decentralization and more emphasis for the individual rights. Expansion of property rights for both urban residents and farmers has become a critical issue in the Chinese politics. Until Mr. Jiang, who left the office as the party’s military chief, there was no political rift between Mr. Jiang and Mr. Wen. However, the constitutional revisions in 2004 gave a new direction for property law.
From now on
Before moving to Pluto’s Capricorn transit and other major progressions, the most striking astrological significator seems to be the ingress of progressed Jupiter in Aquarius which will take place in April 2010 and certainly it will be conjunction with the Moon between the years 2012 and 2016 which is an important period itself indeed.
Furthermore, this progression unfolds in parallel with the the next Jupiter-Saturn conjunction which will be occured closely at 0 degree of Aquarius. Jupiter in Aquarius means many things but Aquarius, being the rising sign in the natal China, reflects the core state of the Chinese people, their circumstances, attitudes and morale. The first house in mundane astrology represents the major characteristics and the underlying mythologies of the people, of the folk. In a way, progressions of Jupiter from Capricorn to Aquarius presents us that a more optimistic and technologically advanced, rational and liberal outlook is about to dawn. As Jupiter in his fall in Capricorn, Jupiter’s ingress to Aquarius seems to be a better equipped with a forward looking society, a freed country from the poverty and heavy restrictions as it can be portrayed by Capricorn.
I guess, both Jupiter’s advent in Aquarius and next Jupiter-Saturn synod in the same sign gives us a strong impetus for a more decentralized government structures and spreading democracy. Moreover, Sun’s progression in Sagittarius will have already completed its two thirds and the progressed Sun’s aspect with both Saturn and Pluto reminds that a deep transformation taking place.
We should closely watch Pluto’s transit through the 12th house/Capricorn. Capricorn is the 12th house of Aquarius rising naturally and it certainly prerequisite of the necessary steps in order to
arrive in Aquarius which represents a well established, rational and lawful societal fabric. Capricorn 12th house inherently shows the didactic, restricted forms and bureaucracy as a governing style. The 12th house in traditional mundane terms, is where the outsiders and hidden enemies are. This is the house of institutions such as prisons, hospitals, but also sponsors of suberversion and underground. It seems that Pluto’s passage through the 12th house/Capricorn, hints us the inevitable transformation of bureaucracy and shattering of restrictions on liberties and further loosening power on state owned enterprises. In a way, Pluto will uncover the most feared situations and it will pave the way for necessary process of disintegration of the current state of administration. Corruption and Nepotism as well is evident when Capricorn cusps the 12th house. Both these phenomenon are much rooted weaknesses of the rigid government systems as in China.
However, it seems that this won’t be an easy transition as Pluto will hit Uranus and the Sun square during this process. This major transit implies that current politicians and leaders will be strongly and fiercyly challenged in their thrones.
When Pluto enters in Capricorn, in the first instance, it is going to hit the Jupiter/Saturn midpoint at 2 38 cardinal signs. This will be completed throughout the year 2009. It is interesting to note that China in her natal has already had Pluto=Jup/Sat midpoint structure. In sociological correspondences, Ebertin says for this midpoint as follows: Teachers of Law, clergymen, civil servants of the administration, also government officials, politicians. Pluto’s contact with this midpoints may imply that a total change in governmental and social orders. In 2008/2009 China will have its 12th house/Capricorn yearly profection as well. It seems that the events in this period could give strong signal of the upcoming Pluto-Sun/Uranus transit which will be perfected between 2010-2012. This year Saturn which is also becomes the year lord due to profections, completes its return cycle and is posited in the 4th house in the return charts. Gemini/5th house rising gives us the astrological symbol for summer olympic games and we could say that, current openness and public awereness in the international area due to olympic games would ignite internal problems.
Between 2010-2012 transiting Pluto will be hitting Sun/Uranus square in the natal chart of China and 2012 will be the first year of Uranus-Pluto square which will last until 2015. Needless to say, between these years, we can surely expect tremendous change and upheavel will take place in terms of mundane events. This will be years when we can expect strong clashes between individualism, liberties and restrictions and rules of government. Pluto in Capricorn represents us a major redefinition of the relationship between individiual and the state, the government machine. Apparently that China will be central this huge transformation and great upheavel. Pluto’s transit in the 12th house/Capricorn, as we can expect, could be the process of irreversible changes in the bureaucracy machine in China. However, in the mean time, these changes can also be the crises of capitalism.
Theoritically, the clash between capitalism and socialism can be observed via the relationship between USA and China during the next Uranus-Pluto square. While China transforms her economy by loosening the administrative power of strictly regulated state enterprises and providing more freedom to her citizens, USA will have Pluto in the 2nd house, has to redefine her material resources and economy. USA was established when Pluto in the same sign in the previous cycle. Hence, throughout this passage, whole spectrum of capitalism will be transformed as in the previous cycles.
Chart 8 Outer wheel Progressed full moon on Jan 2015, inner wheel natal China

Along with this process, in the progressed chart of China, there is going to be progressed full moon at 13 Gemini/Sagitarrius axis and please note that this special degree is at cross with Saturn in Virgo in the natal chart of China. Within the same period, in the year 2012, Saturn will have reached Scorpio, the 10th house of natal China. Between 2010-2012, the pre Uranus/Pluto square and the time interval when transiting Pluto will cross China’s Sun/Uranus, Saturn will be crossing over China’s 9th house/Libra and in conjunct with Neptune/Mercury. As we already, touched Neptune/Mercury conjunction is one of the striking symbol which has been inherited as a core mythology in Chinese culture and social order. Neptune, the great dissolver, is the planet of socialism. It is also interesting to note that USA’s natal Saturn which is at 14 degrees of Libra is also here in the picture. In the second half of 2010 and the first half of 2011, Saturn will be hovering on Neptune while returning the same place in the USA chart. So we might assume that, these period will have special importance for China. These times would be expected to be the most transformative periods in terms of mundane economic trends and China’s performance.
Furthermore, Jupiter-Saturn opposition which will occur between 2010 May and 2011 March will also be effective on China’s natal Neptune. Both planets closely represents the economic and social cycles and this would be the high time for the latest Jup/Saturn cycle which started in 2000 May in Taurus.
Looking at this crucial opposition, we also find Pluto at the apex of the T-square. Jupiter/Saturn economic social repercussions and the role of Pluto. China’s Jup/Sat=pluto
Main points
Pluto Capricorn 12th /Bureaucracy, restructring old patterns, state owned enterprises, corruption and manipulation
(in terms of absolute longitudes) 2 38 Pluto=Jup/Sat, transiting Pluto 2009/1,2 2009/5, 2009/12
4 58 – 6 22 Uranus=Pluto/MC=Sun/Uranus 2010, 2011, Pluto squa Sun 2012
China-USA relations (synastry)
Chart 9 Synastry between China and USA

Chart 10 Composite chart of China and USA

Looking at the both national charts, the presence of the square aspects between the two nations’ Suns sets the underlying tone of this relationship. The square aspect implies that there may be continious struggle and conflict of interest between parties. Both charts have a preponderence in their own Sun signs and Mercury is one of the planet of these. Furthermore, China’s Mercury is in partile square to USA’s Sun. As Mercury represents the contacts, dialogues and negotiations, different approaches may hinder a smooth dialogue between countries thus widens the gap between the interests. USA’s Cancer stellium is an a superior position in relation to the China’s planets, having a tenth house relationship, hence USA’s achivements and aims can be seen as a benchmark for success for China. USA’s use of rich investments, material abundance through others and her credibility brings pressures on Chinese administration. In other words, the poor China needs to be get rich and is required to use capitalistic forces in order to compete with USA.
It is interesting to note that USA’s MC/Saturn midpoint is in conjunct with China Sun’s position. MC/Saturn can be interpreted as disciplined establishment of the goals and formal rules which can be used toward one’s drives and China’s Sun can easily recognize and is well aware of USA’s political and economical machine. However, China’s Uranus which is in square to USA’s MC, represents a very different, an uneasy point of view in terms of USA’s major goals. Hence China’s Sun-Uranus square which means many uprisings and upheavels in Chinese history, has not been easily welcomed by USA’s aspirations.
Furthermore, USA’s Saturn in Libra hovers on China’s Mercury, another striking symbol that, an easy and flowing communication cannot be established due to many other restrictions and conflicting realities. A similar version of this is the square between China Saturn between USA’s Sag ascendant degree. Saturn in Virgo as we earlier mentioned is the central theme of the Chinese proleterait and working class. USA’s grand schemes and national identity is at cross with Chinese realities.
The most striking element in this synastry of course is the Saturn-Neptune contact between the charts. These planets are the opposite ends of the same reality. Saturn is down to earth and pragmatic while Neptune is idealistic and dissolving. Neptune emphasise the collective rights ignoring the personal values, but Saturn brings personal achievement and is more closely related with capital owners. This is the usual dilemma between Capitalism and Socialism. Certainly, Pluto-Uranus square will hit degrees around 2015 can be expected to bring major economic and sociological changes in the whole world.
Finally, in the composite chart of the two nations, Capricorn rises and the Sun is in the 8th house of crises and transformations. The Sun’s position in the 8th house Leo, can be seen that power and authority issues between these nations are not easily solved creating imbalances as the Sun has no major supporting aspect. However, the Moon in Aquarius is trined by Uranus and sextiled by Jupiter. The two folks, when they combine their forces can pay the way for more technologically advanced, and liberal communities and build up a mutual understanding at least through communication and science. Altough this won’t be a warm combination, it may related with social bonds and customs of the future generations and their habitat.
The presence of Mars in Cancer in the 7th house, the house of open enemies is quite agitating. Mars in Cancer is naturally defensive and unreasonably hostile. Jupiter-Mars square in the chart is another testimony that, different outlooks, philosophical, ethical, religious backgrounds cannot be smoothed naturally.
Once again, when we consider the Pluto transit in Capricorn, Capricorn rising composite chart implies that whole perspective of treating ewach other in this relationship will have to change and transform. As Capricorn, reflects the global organization and use of the material, economic forces and the goverment styles, evidently it’s passage through Capricorn will immensely change the current status. Pluto can demonize and bring out the worst motives and urges, let us hope that eventual differences settle down and bring a new wisdom for politicians and leaders of the countries.
R. Hakan Kırkoğlu 2007-2008
All charts use Whole Sign Houses.
The Post American World, Fareed Zakaria, W.W. Norton Company, 2008
China Rises, John Farndon, Virgin, 2007
Büyük Oyunu Anlamak, Jeopolitik, Yves Lacoste, NTV Yayınları, 2007
The Writing on the Wall, China and the West in the 21st Century, Will Hutton, Little Brown, 2006
The New Penguin History of The World, J.M. Roberts, Penguin Books, 2004
New Scientist, Special Issue: China Rising, 10.10.2007
The Economist: China’s next revolution, 10-16 March 2007
The Economist: How China powers the world economy, 29 Sep – 5 Oct. 2007
The Economist: China, beware, 13 – 19 Oct. 2007
Newsweek, China Now, 31 Dec 2007
Charts data
All countries chart data from The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicolas Campion
Hakan Kirkoglu – Biography
Hakan is a leading figure in Astrology in Turkey as a consultant, teacher and writer. With a Bsc. Management Eng and an MA in Economics, he became a full-time astrologer in 2000. A prize winner of FAS (1997), he works with a wide client base and has also been the editor of Milliyet newspaper. Established Wisdom of Sky (1999), a 3 year teaching course, and pioneered an association in Turkey. He regularly gives lectures, organize seminars and creates astrological events.